Reconnective Healing® Trainings & Sessions
Bhairavi Mehta offers Private Sessions, Mentoring, Credentialing, Distance Healing, Training for Reconnecting Healing® and Personal Reconnection.
We offer Private Sessions, Mentoring, Workshops and Certified Training
Bhairavi Mehta offers Private Sessions, Mentoring, Credentialing, Distance Healing, Training for Reconnecting Healing® and Personal Reconnection.
Bhairavi Mehta is gifted with psychic powers and Intuition which she uses in her own way for Mediumship and Intuitive Reading
Presentations and workshops that we conduct to share knowledge of various aspects of life
Reconnective Healing Session
The Personal Reconnection Facilitated
years of experience
hours on Teaching Assignments
Life is full of events and experiences. Here are some of the many areas that can have a healing touch to transform your life to its BEST version
Reconnective Healing® has shown to enhance your consciousness to a thinking of Abundance and Joy.
Our body is made of mass and material which with time goes through wear and tear and may result in physical ailments.
Balance in Relationships and work-life balance has definitely affected the Mental Well Being of a person.
The energy field in that space vibrates in resonance to your use or purpose of the space may it be Home, Office or land.
The Reconnective Healing® frequencies can help to activate the self-healing powers of the animals.
BHAIRAVI TUSHAR MEHTA is a Life Skills Mentor, Reconnective Healing Foundational and Reconnection Certified Practitioner. Academically she is an Environment Engineer. She is into alternative wellness since the 2007. She has studied many healing modalities like Chakra Healing, Integrated Healing, Thetha Healing, Intuitive Anatomy, Foreign Energy Dynamics, Hypnotherapy and many more.
Since 2010 once she explored the Reconnective Healing Frequencies she has seen miraculous results. She is also a Teaching Assistant on DR. Eric Pearl’s Team who is the founder of the work. Academically she is Environmental Engineer and further in Life her journey was inclined towards spiritual wellness. In her own practice, she has witnessed healings in Cancer, Coma, Epilepsy, Migraine, Spinal Disorders, Learning Disabilities, Anxiety, Panic Attack, Depression and m
We facilitate Personal Sessions, Group Presentation, Healthcare Workshops & Certified Training
Reconnective Healing® is an established non-touch energy healing approach that encompasses the benefits of all known techniques without any complicated steps, equipment, procedures or rituals. It is scientifically supported and known to facilitate significant advancement in all arenas of daily life. This includes our physical wellbeing, mental clarity, emotional inner peace, and spiritual life progress! This is where we meet our essential self.
Reconnective Healing® isn’t a medical treatment nor is it meant to replace medical treatment. Therefore, it doesn’t “treat” or “cure” though many have reported what could be called “miraculous” changes in their well-being after just one session. We encourage people to forgo expectations and allow the frequencies to provide its healing to take place. If in its presence, you allow yourself to come back into a more optimal state of balance and inner peace as many people do, then you do. As Dr. Eric Pearl explains, “Your healing may come in the form you anticipate. Or, it may come in a form you haven’t even dreamed of, one that the universe has designed specifically for you!”
"It’s an online course that’s available wherever you have an Internet connection. Currently, there is no expiration. Watch it at your leisure at whatever pace is comfortable for you.
*The Online Essentials must be completed prior to attending the Live immersion.
We tend to draw a very diverse crowd. There are close to 100,000 practitioners trained in Reconnective Healing® worldwide. Approximately 25% of them are medical doctors, chiropractors, osteopaths, nurses, physical and massage therapists, psychologists, clergy and medical researchers. Maybe another 25% are comprised of energy healing practitioners and Master Teachers in the various energy healing fields including Reiki, Johrei, Jin Shin, Qi Gong, and many more. These people come to us to explore their options and ability to transcend their “techniques” and move into levels previously inaccessible. The remaining approximately 50% are people who come with backgrounds seemingly unrelated to healing, including bankers, computer technicians, business executives, elected government officials, beauticians, social workers, etc. In other words, people of all ages and from all walks of life.
Some people report significant improvements immediately. Others recognize shifts unfolding more gradually over a period of time. It may be a day, a week, a month or more before someone allows themselves to recognize that they are experiencing a more harmonious lifestyle. There are no guarantees you will notice any change, as Reconnective Healing® expands seamlessly. There is no need for anything to abruptly alter who you are. People simply and often glide into their shift. Sometimes, those near you will notice it and ask what you have been doing differently as they see you in a different way. There’s really no way of telling. It’s not a treatment nor does it “fix” you.
Yes. This course will prepare you to become a Reconnective Healing® Foundational Practitioner. Your attendance is required for the full 2.5-day training session. You will be asked to sign in and out during break times to validate attendance.
You’ll be learning the different ways of Observing, Noticing and Experiencing Reconnective Healing®.
Students who successfully complete all of the training and satisfy prerequisites** will receive an invitation to become a Reconnective Healing® Foundational Practitioner to practice within the Standards of Practice and Policies of The Reconnection LLC.